Move faster through change with all your engineers on board.

It’s really hard to perform at speed with your team putting their heels in the ground. Let’s turn you into the tech leader who can navigate change with ease, with a more aligned team ready to face the uncertainty of today’s tech environment head on. 

The Problem

You’re pressured to keep delivering results in a rapidly changing environment, and want your team members to stay motivated and productive. But you struggle to keep everyone involved and aligned, making your team resist the very change you need to make happen.

You want your engineers to embrace – or at least accept – change, so you try to engage them more in your decisions. But it takes way too much time to align everyone and you struggle to reach consensus. Which leaves you either with a decision never being made, or you end up making the decision yourself (with a pissed off team who wonders why you involved them in the first place).

You want a tech or product team that can navigate uncertainty and quickly adopt fast-changing technology, so you try to encourage a mindset of experimentation, learning and risk-taking. But it feels artificial and doesn’t stick, making the team fall back into old patterns of solid plans and risk-minimizing – making you move slower and losing out on innovation and new possibilities (which you really cannot afford!).

You have invested hours in team development and 1:1 time with your team, hoping to create more clarity and trust – only to face resistance. Which makes you lose hope that you can become that fast-moving team you dream of. 

The Solution

I help you grow your leadership muscles to navigate change effectively and keep your team aligned, so you can move forward faster with everyone working towards the same goal (and not losing your engineers on the way)

Through my 1:1 program Tech Leadership: From Insight to Impact, I guide you to develop the self-awareness, skills and abilities to… 

But of course, as a leader you know that leadership starts with YOU. Which is why we start the process of Transform Your Tech Leadership focusing on your inner work, before moving on to the outer work and what’s really going on in the team.

Testimonials from my clients

"The LCP has severely raised my awareness and understanding of why I behave at work and with my colleagues the way I do. It has fostered my purpose at work now and the professional path ahead of me. At the same time, with Christian’s help in crystallizing my areas of growth, I'm able to make more conscious decisions whenever I am faced with my own triggers. Moreover, I realized that there's no need to be excellent in everything and that it all comes down to being part of an environment that honors my strengths."

Martina, Global Human Resource Business Partner for a Tech Company

"… He has a way of sensing the needs of his colleagues that makes them heard and understood, and he brings in his views and ideas in a very respectful and pleasant way. He loves trying new approaches and therefore is skilled in using many different tools…"

Patrick, CEO in Tech

"… Christian has also coached me in some challenging times, and it always gave me a breath of fresh air. I can highly recommend him as an Agile Coach, Organizational Developer, and as Personal Coach…"

Bruno, Release Train Engineer

How I’m uniquely positioned to help you

Hi, I’m Christian – and I've spent the last several years turning tech teams into forerunners of agility and innovation. Starting out as an engineer, I soon realized that my real passion lay in leadership – especially during times of change.

Since 2017, I've led agile transformations, guiding teams and entire organizations through the ups and downs of the tech world. In 2019, I stepped up as an IT delivery manager for over 100 people across 10 teams, diving deep into the complexities of organizational change. It was a challenging role, but it solidified my understanding of what teams need to succeed and how to create an environment where they can thrive, even during big transitions. 

In 2021, my journey took me to the role of Director for Agile Transformations, where I had the opportunity to guide 350 people through a big data and AI transformation as a change facilitator and leadership coach. This role allowed me to scale my approach, equipping leaders with the tools and mindset necessary to navigate change effectively, building resilience and adaptability throughout the whole organization.

Outside of these roles, I'm also:

If you’re looking to take your team or organization through change faster and more harmoniously, I’m here to help you every step of the way.